Improve your Knowledge Management with Wisdom

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Knowledge management is a must for every company these days. It allows you to capture, store, manage and share your employees’ knowledge within your company. The main goals are to facilitate knowledge sharing and to find information and files more easily. You can significantly improve efficiency and employee satisfaction with the right knowledge management systems. […]

7 Key Benefits of Online Brand Communities for Companies

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We have established what an online brand community is – a group of people who share the same interest and get together to exchange information and to help each other out. In our first blog of the series about online communities, we talked about the 8 steps needed to start and grow your own online […]

How you can build a successful Online Brand Community with Wisdom

a successful Online Brand Community with Wisdom

In this final part of the blog series about online communities, we will talk about how you can build and manage your own online brand community with zehnplus and what sets us apart from other online communities.     As we have seen in our previous blogs, having an online community nowadays can be essential […]

How to build your own Online Brand Community in 8 steps: Part 2

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In this second part, we will get into the details of building and growing your online community. If you haven’t read part 1 yet, make sure you follow up on that article first!   After defining the goals and purposes, the stakeholders and the way you want to structure and organize your online community, it’s time to […]

How to build your own Online Brand Community in 8 steps: Part 1

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Learn step-by-step how to build, manage and grow an online brand community! Online communities have become vital parts of modern businesses, adding value to them and their customers. There are various forms, but one that stands out is the online brand community. It can be the ultimate key to the success of your business. However, it’s […]